Fishes Described or Co-Described by Royal D. Suttkus
Freshwater fishes:
- Hybopsis lineapunctata Clemmer and Suttkus 1971
- Notropis ammophilus Suttkus and Boschung 1990
- Notropis asperifrons Suttkus and Raney 1955
- Notropis baileyi Suttkus and Raney 1955
- Notropis candidus Suttkus 1980
- Notropis edwardraneyi Suttkus and Clemmer 1968
- Notropis hypsilepis Suttkus and Raney 1955
- Notropis rafinesquei Suttkus 1991
- Notropis signipinnis Bailey and Suttkus 1952
- Notropis uranoscopus Suttkus 1959
- Pteronotropis euryzonus Suttkus 1955
- Pteronotropis merlini Suttkus and Mettee 2001
- Semotilus lumbee Suttkus and Snelson 1978
- Noturus munitus Suttkus and Taylor 1965
- Fundulus euryzonus Suttkus and Cashner 1981
- Ambloplites constellatus Cashner and Suttkus 1977
- Etheostoma bellator Suttkus and Bailey 1993
- Etheostoma brevirostrum Suttkus and Etnier 1991
- Etheostoma colorosum Suttkus and Bailey 1993
- Etheostoma ditrema Ramsey and Suttkus 1965
- Etheostoma lachneri Suttkus and Bailey 1994
- Etheostoma moorei Raney and Suttkus 1964
- Etheostoma ramseyi Suttkus and Bailey 1994
- Etheostoma raneyi Suttkus and Bart 1994
- Etheostoma rubrum Raney and Suttkus 1966
- Etheostoma tallapoosae Suttkus and Etnier 1991
- Etheostoma thompsoni Suttkus, Bart and Etnier 2012
- Percina aurolineata Suttkus and Ramsey 1965
- Percina aurora Suttkus and Thompson 1994
- Percina brevicauda Suttkus and Bart 1994
Marine fishes:
- Lophiodes reticulatus Caruso and Suttkus 1979
- Bembrops ocellatus Thompson and Suttkus 1998
- Bembrops quadricella Thompson and Suttkus 1998
- Bembrops raneyi Thompson and Suttkus 1998