Bailey, R.M. and R.D. Suttkus. 1952. Notropis signipinnis, a new cyprinid fish from southeastern United States. Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 542:1-15.

Suttkus, R.D., R.M. Darnell, and J.H. Darnell. 1953. Biological study of Lake Pontchartrain. Report to Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission, 1:1-17.

Suttkus, R.D., R.M. Darnell, and J.H. Darnell. 1953. Biological study of Lake Pontchartrain. Report to Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission, 2:1-20.

Suttkus, R.D., R.M. Darnell, and J.H. Darnell. 1953. Biological study of Lake Pontchartrain. Report to Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission, 3:1-32.

Suttkus, R.D., R.M. Darnell, and J.H. Darnell. 1954. Biological study of Lake Pontchartrain. Report to Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission, 4:1-38.

Suttkus, R.D., R.M. Darnell, and J.H. Darnell. 1954. Biological study of Lake Pontchartrain. Report to Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission, 5:1-24.

Suttkus, R.D., R.M. Darnell, and J.H. Darnell. 1954. Biological study of Lake Pontchartrain. Report to Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission, 6:1-22.

Suttkus, R.D., R.M. Darnell, and J.H. Darnell. 1954. Biological study of Lake Pontchartrain. Report to Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission, 7:1-25.

Suttkus, R.D., R.M. Darnell, and J.H. Darnell. 1954. Biological study of Lake Pontchartrain. Report to Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission, 8:1-18.

Suttkus, R.D., R.M. Darnell, and J.H. Darnell. 1954. Biological study of Lake Pontchartrain. Report to Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission. Annual Report, 1953-1954:1-73.

Suttkus, R.D. and E.C. Raney. 1955. Notropis baileyi, a new cyprinid fish from the Pascagoula and Mobile Bay drainages of Mississippi and Alabama. Tulane Stud. Zool., 2(5):69-86.

Suttkus, R.D. and E.C. Raney. 1955. Notropis hypsilepis, a new cyprinid fish from the Apalachicola River system of Georgia and Alabama. Tulane Stud. Zool., 2(7):159-170.

Suttkus, R.D. and E.C. Raney. 1955. Notropis asperifrons, a new cyprinid fish from the Mobile Bay drainage of Alabama and Georgia with studies of related species. Tulane Stud. Zool., 3(1):1-33.

Suttkus, R.D. 1955. Age and growth of a small-stream population of "stunted" smallmouth black bass, Micropterus dolomieu dolomieu (Lacepede). New York Fish and Game Journal, 2(1):83-94.

Suttkus, R.D. 1954. Seasonal movements and growth of the Atlantic croaker (Micropogon undulatus) along the east Louisiana coast. Proc. Gulf and Caribbean Fish. Inst. (1954) Seventh Annual Session, 7pp.

Suttkus, R.D. 1955. Notropis euryzonus, a new cyprinid fish from the Chattahoochee River system of Georgia and Alabama. Tulane Stud. Zool., 3(5):83-100.

Suttkus, R.D., R.M. Darnell, and J.H. Darnell. 1955. Biological study of Lake Pontchartrain. Report to Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission, 9:1-17.

Suttkus, R.D., R.M. Darnell, and J.H. Darnell. 1955. Biological study of Lake Pontchartrain. Report to Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission, 10:1-16.

Suttkus, R.D. 1955. Biological study of estuarine and marine waters of Louisiana. Report to Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission, 11:1-32.

Suttkus, R.D. 1955. Biological study of estuarine and marine waters of Louisiana. Report to Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission, 12:1-19.

Suttkus, R.D. 1956. Early life history of the Gulf menhaden, Brevoortia patronus, in Louisiana. Trans. N. Amer. Wildlife Conf., 21:390-407.

Suttkus, R.D. and R.E. Gordon. 1956. Review: Guide to the reptiles, amphibians, and fresh water fishes of Florida (Archie Carr and Coleman J. Goin). Copeia, 1956 (3):199-203.

Suttkus, R.D. 1956. First record of the mountain mullet, Agonostomus monticola (Bancroft), in Louisiana. Proc. La. Acad. Sci., 19:43-46.

Suttkus, R.D. 1956. Biological study of estuarine and marine waters of Louisiana. Report to Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission, 13:1-13.

Suttkus, R.D. 1956. Biological study of estuarine and marine waters of Louisiana. Report to Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission, 14:1-12.

Suttkus, R.D. 1958. Distribution of menhaden in the Gulf of Mexico. Trans. N. Amer. Wildlife Conf., 23:401-10.

Suttkus, R.D. 1958. Status of the nominal cyprinid species Moniana deliciosa Girard and Cyprinella texana Girard. Copeia, 1958 (4):307-18.

Suttkus, R.D. 1959. Notropis uranoscopus, a new cyprinid fish from the Alabama River system. Copeia, 1959 (1):7-11.

Suttkus, R.D. 1961. Review. Freshwater Fishes in Mississippi (Fannye A. Cook). Trans. Am. Fish. Soc., 90(2):233-34.

Suttkus, R.D. and B.I. Sundararaj. 1961. Fecundity and reproduction in the largescale menhaden, Brevoortia patronus Goode. Tulane Stud. Zool., 8(6):177-182.

Suttkus, R.D. 1961. Additional information about blind catfishes from Texas. Southwest. Nat. 6(2):55-64.

Fingerman, S.W. and R.D. Suttkus. 1961. Comparison of Hybognathus hayi Jordan and Hybognathus nuchalis Agassiz. Copeia, 1961 (4):462-467.

Sundararaj, B.I. and R.D. Suttkus. 1962. Fecundity of the spotted seatrout, Cynoscion nebulosus (Cuvier), from Lake Borgne area, La. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc., 91(1):84-88.

Yerger, R.W. and R.D. Suttkus. 1962. Records of freshwater fishes in Florida. Tulane Stud. Zool., 9(5):323-330.

Suttkus, R.D. 1963. Order Lepisostei. In: Fishes of the Western North Atlantic. Memoir Sears Foundation for Marine Research, 1(3):61-88.

Raney, E.C. and R.D. Suttkus. 1964. Etheostoma moorei, a new darter of the subgenus Nothonotus from the White River system, Arkansas. Copeia, 1964 (1):130-139.

Ramsey, J.S. and R.D. Suttkus. 1965. Etheostoma ditrema, a new darter of the subgenus Oligocephalus (Percidae) from springs of the Alabama River basin in Alabama and Georgia. Tulane Stud. Zool., 12(3):65-77.

Suttkus, R.D. and W.R. Taylor. 1965. Noturus munitus, a new species of madtom, family Ictaluridae, from southern United States. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 78:169-178.

Gunning, G.E. and R.D. Suttkus. 1966. Occurrence and distribution of Asiatic clam, Corbicula leana, in Pearl River, Louisiana. Nautilus, 79(4):113-116.

Raney, E.C. and R.D. Suttkus. 1966. Etheostoma rubrum, a new percid fish of the subgenus Nothonotus from Bayou Pierre, Miss. Tulane Stud. Zool., 13(3):95-102.

Suttkus, R.D. and J.S. Ramsey. 1967. Percina aurolineata, a new percid fish from the Alabama River system and a discussion of ecology, distribution, and hybridization of darters of the subgenus Hadropterus. Tulane Stud. Zool., 13(4):129-145.

Suttkus, R.D. 1967. Estuarine fishes of Louisiana. Proc. Eleventh Annual International Game Fish Conference. pp. 9-14. Discussion pp. 44-52.

Suttkus, R.D. and G.H. Clemmer. 1968. Notropis edwardraneyi, a new cyprinid fish from the Alabama and Tombigbee River systems and a discussion of related species. Tulane Stud. Zool. Bot., 15(1):18-39.

Suttkus, R.D. 1970. Type specimens of fishes in the Tulane University Collection with a brief history of the collection. Tulane Stud. Zool. Bot., 16(3):116-130.

Jones, C. and R.D. Suttkus. 1971. Wing loading in Plecotus rafinesquii. J. Mammal., 52(2):458-460.

Clemmer, G.H. and R.D. Suttkus. 1971. Hybopsis lineapunctata, a new cyprinid fish from the upper Alabama River system. Tulane Stud. Zool. Bot., 17(2):21-30.

Jones, C. and R.D. Suttkus. 1972. Notes on netting bats for eleven years in western New Mexico. Southwest. Nat. 16(3&4):261-266.

Jones, C. and R.D. Suttkus. 1973. Colony structure and organization of Pipistrellus subflavus in southern Louisiana. J. Mammal., 54(4):962-968.

Cashner, R.C. and R.D. Suttkus. 1974. A new rock bass (Ambloplites: Centrarchidae) Missouri and Arkansas. (Abstract) ASB Bull., 21(2):45.

Clemmer, G.H., R.D. Suttkus, and J.S. Ramsey. 1975. A preliminary checklist of endangered and rare fishes of Mississippi. In: A preliminary list of rare and threatened vertebrates in Mississippi. State of Mississippi, Game and Fish Commission, Jackson, Mississippi, 29pp.

Jones, C. and R.D. Suttkus. 1975. Notes on the natural history of Plecotus rafinesquii. Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool., Louisiana State Univ., 47:1-14.

Suttkus, R.D. and G.H. Clemmer. 1977. A status report on the bayou darter, Etheostoma rubrum, and the Bayou Pierre system. SFC Proc., 1 (4):1-2.

Cashner, R.C. and R.D. Suttkus. 1977. Ambloplites constellatus, a new species of rock bass from the Ozark Upland of Arkansas and Missouri with a review of western rock bass populations. Am. Mid. Nat., 98 1:147-161.

Suttkus, R.D. and G.H. Clemmer. 1977. The humpback chub, Gila cypha, in the Grand Canyon area of the Colorado River. Occ. Pap. Tulane Univ. Mus. Nat. Hist., 1:1-30.

Snelson, F.F. Jr. and R.D. Suttkus. 1978. A new species of Semotilus (Pisces: Cyprinidae) from the Carolinas. Bull. Ala. Mus. Nat. Hist., 3:1-11.

Suttkus, R.D., G.H. Clemmer, and C. Jones. 1978. Mammals of the riparian region of the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon area of Arizona. Occ. Pap. Tulane Univ. Mus. Nat. Hist., 2:1-23.

Cashner, R.C. and R.D. Suttkus. 1978. The status of the rock bass population in Blue Spring, Mexico, with comments on the introduction of rock bass in the western United States. Southwest. Nat., 23(3):463-472.

Jones, C. and R.D. Suttkus. 1979. The distribution and taxonomy of Tamias striatus at the southern limits of its geographic range. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 91(4):828-839.

Suttkus, R.D. and G.H. Clemmer. 1979. Fishes of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon National Park. In: Proc. First Conference on Scientific Research in the National Parks (1976), 1:599-604.

Caruso, J.H., and R.D. Suttkus. 1979. A new species of lophiid angler fish from the western north Atlantic. Bull. Mar. Sci., 29(4):491-496.

Cashner, R.C., R.D. Suttkus, F.L. Pezold, and J.M. Grady. 1979. The status of the Southern redbelly dace, Chrosomus erythrogaster, in Mississippi. SFC Proc. 3(1):1-3.

Suttkus, R.D. 1980. Notropis candidus, a new cyprinid fish from the Mobile Bay basin, and a review of the nomenclatural history of Notropis shumardi (Girard). Bull. Ala. Mus. Nat. Hist., 5:1-15.

Suttkus, R.D. and J.V. Conner. 1980. The rainbow smelt, Osmerus mordax, in the lower Mississippi River near St. Francisville, Louisiana. Am. Mid. Nat., 104(2):394.

Suttkus, R.D. and R.C. Cashner. 1981. The intergeneric hybrid combination, Gila pandora X Rhinichthys cataractae (Cyprinidae), and comparisons with parental species. Southwest. Nat., 26(1):78-81.

Suttkus, R.D. and R.C. Cashner. 1981. A new species of cyprinodontid fish, genus Fundulus (Zygonectes), from Lake Pontchartrain tributaries in Louisiana and Mississippi. Bull. Ala. Mus. Nat. Hist., 6:1-17.

Jones, C., G.H. Clemmer, R.D. Suttkus, and R.D. Curnow. 1982. Distributional checklist of the mammals along the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon. Occ. Pap. Tulane Univ. Mus. Nat. Hist., 3:1-15.

Suttkus, R.D. and R.C. Cashner. 1983. Fundulus euryzonus Suttkus and Cashner, broadstripe topminnow. Species account In: Atlas of North American Freshwater Fishes, North Carolina State Museum of Natural History.

Suttkus, R.D. 1983. Notropis candidus Suttkus, silverside shiner. Species account In: Atlas of North American Freshwater Fishes, North Carolina State Museum of Natural History.

Gunning, G.E. and R.D. Suttkus. 1983. Stream pollution monitoring using species composition of fish populations and water quality data. In: Proc. of the Water Quality of Wetland Management Conference, pp. 209-221.

Gunning, G.E. and R.D. Suttkus. 1984. Turbidity of the Red, Mississippi, Pearl, and Alabama Rivers of the southern United States. The Louisiana Environmental Professional (1984), 1(1):14-30.

Gunning, G.E. and R.D. Suttkus. 1985. Reclamation of the Pearl River, a perspective of unpolluted versus polluted waters. Fisheries, 10(1):14-16.

Suttkus, R.D. 1985. Identification of the percid, Ioa vigil Hay. Copeia, 1985(1):225-227.

Carter, D.C., W.D. Webster, J.K. Jones, Jr., C. Jones, and R.D. Suttkus. 1985. Dipodomys elator . Mammalian species, No. 232, pp. 1-3, The American Society of Mammalogists, 24 May 1985.

Gunning, G.E. and R.D. Suttkus. 1985. Effect of treated paper mill effluent on color levels of streams in the southern United States. The La. Environmental Professional, 2(1):28-49.

Conner, J.V. and R.D. Suttkus. 1986. Zoogeography of freshwater fishes of the western Gulf slope of North America. In: The zoogeography of North American freshwater fishes. Edited by Charles H. Hocutt and E.O. Wiley. John Wiley & Sons, 866pp.

Gunning, G.E. and R.D. Suttkus. 1986. A comparative study of pH levels in the Sabine, Red, Mississippi, Pearl, Alabama, and Perdido Rivers of the southern United States. The La. Environmental Professional, 3(1):4-20.

Mettee, M.F., P.E. O'Neil, R.D. Suttkus, and J. M. Pierson. 1987. Fishes of the lower Tombigbee River system in Alabama, and Mississippi. Geological Survey of Alabama, Bull. 107:1-186.

Gunning, G.E., and R.D. Suttkus. 1987. A comparative study of bicarbonate levels in the Sabine, Red, Mississippi, Pearl, Alabama, and Perdido Rivers of the southern United States. In: Proc. of the Fourth Water Quality & Wetlands Management Conference: Coastal Ecology. pp 377-397.

Jones, C., R.D. Suttkus and M.A. Bogan. 1987. Notes on some mammals of north-central Texas. Occ. Pap. Mus. Tex. Tech. Univ., 115:1-21.

Gunning, G.E. and R.D. Suttkus. 1987. A comparative study of sulfate levels in the Sabine, Red, Mississippi, Pearl, Alabama, and Perdido Rivers of the southern United States. The Louisiana Environmental Professional, 4(1):29-45.

Gunning, G.E. and R.D. Suttkus. 1988. Relative abundance of the speckled chub, Hybopsis aestivalis (Girard), as an indicator of long-term environmental degradation. The Louisiana Environmental Professional, 5(1):1-13.

Gunning, G.E. and R.D. Suttkus. 1988. Iron levels in the Pearl and Alabama Rivers of the southern United States. The Louisiana Environmental Professional, 5(1):40-52.

Caruso, J., R.D. Suttkus, and G.E. Gunning. 1988. Abnormal expression of secondary sex characters in a population of Anguilla rostrata (Pisces: Anguillidae) from a dark colored Florida stream. Copeia, 1988 (4):1077-1079.

Mettee, M.F., P.E. O'Neil, J.M. Pierson, and R.D. Suttkus. 1989. Fishes of the Black Warrior River system in Alabama. Geological Survey of Alabama, 133:1-201.

Gunning, G.E. and R.D. Suttkus. 1989. A comparative study of free carbon dioxide levels in the Sabine, Red, Mississippi, Pearl, and Alabama Rivers of the southern United States. The Louisiana Environmental Professional, 6(1):1-15.

Gunning, G.E. and R.D. Suttkus. 1989. Status of the hogchoker, Trinectes maculatus, in the Pearl River, Louisiana-Mississippi: 1966-1988. The Louisiana Environmental Professional, 6(1):25-29.

Gunning, G.E. and R.D. Suttkus. 1989. Effects of impoundment, dredging, and regulated flow on the fishes of the Alabama River between Miller's Ferry Lock and Dam and Claiborne Lock and Dam: 1966-1985. The Louisiana Environmental Professional, 6(1):64-88.

Pierson, J.M., W.M. Howell, R.A. Stiles, M.F. Mettee, P.E. O'Neil, R.D. Suttkus, and J. S. Ramsey. 1989. Fishes of the Cahaba River system in Alabama. Geological Survey of Alabama, 134:1-183.

Mettee, M.F., P.E. O'Neil, J.M. Pierson, and R.D. Suttkus. 1989. Fishes of the Western Mobile River basin in Alabama and Mississippi. Geological Survey of Alabama Atlas, 24:1-170.

Gunning, G.E. and R.D. Suttkus. 1990. Species dominance in two river populations of sunfishes (Pisces: Centrachidae): 1966 to 1988. Southwest. Nat., 35(3):346-348.

Suttkus, R.D. and H.T. Boschung. 1990. Notropis ammophilus, a new cyprinid fish from southeastern United States. Tulane Stud. Zool. Bot., 27(2):49-63.

Gunning, G.E. and R.D. Suttkus. 1990. Decline of the Alabama Shad, Alosa alabamae, in the Pearl River, Louisiana-Mississippi: 1963-1988. SFC Proc. 21:3-4.

Suttkus, R.D. and R.M. Bailey. 1990. Characters, relationships, distribution, and biology of Notropis melanostomus, a recently named cyprinid fish from southeastern United States. Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 722:1-15.

Gunning, G.E. and R.D. Suttkus. 1991. Species dominance in the fish populations of the Pearl River, Mississippi: 1973-1988. SFC Proc., 23:7-15.

Gunning, G.E. and R.D. Suttkus. 1991. Species dominance in two river populations of darters (Pisces: Percidae): 1966-1987. The Louisiana Environmental Professional, 788(1):3-18.

Gunning, G.E. and R.D. Suttkus. 1991. Relative abundance of rare, less common or infrequently published fishes of the Pearl River, Louisiana: 1966-67 through 1987-88. The Louisiana Environmental Professional, 7&8(1):19-35.

Gunning, G.E. and R.D. Suttkus. 1991. Relative abundance of rare, less common or infrequently published fishes of the Pearl River, Mississippi: 1973-1988. The Louisiana Environmental Professional. 7&8(1):36-53.

Suttkus, R.D. and C. Jones. 1991. Observations on winter and spring reproduction in Peromyscus leucopus (Rodentia: Muridae) in southern Louisiana. Texas J. Sci., 43(2): 179-189.

Suttkus, R.D. 1991. Notropis rafinesquei, a new cyprinid fish from the Yazoo River system in Mississippi. Bull. Ala. Nat. Hist. 10:1-9.

Suttkus, R.D. and D.A. Etnier. 1991. Etheostoma tallapoosae and E. brevirostrum, two new darters, subgenus Ulocentra, from the Alabama River drainage. Tulane Stud. Zool. Bot., 28(1):1-24.

Fitzpatrick, J.F., Jr. and R.D. Suttkus. 1992. A new crawfish of the genus Orconectes from the Yazoo River system of Mississippi (Decapoda: Cambaridae). Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 105(1):70-76.

Suttkus, R.D. and R.M. Bailey. 1993. Etheostoma colorosum and E. bellator, two new darters, subgenus Ulocentra, from southeastern United States. Tulane Stud. Zool. Bot. 29(1):1-28.

Suttkus, R.D., R.M. Bailey and H.L. Bart, Jr. 1994. Three new species of Etheostoma, subgenus Ulocentra, from the Gulf Coastal Plain of southeastern United States. Tulane Stud. Zool. Bot. 29(2):97-126.

Suttkus, R.D., B.A. Thompson and H.L. Bart, Jr. 1994. Two new darters, Percina (Cottogaster), from the southeastern United States, with a review of the subgenus. Occ. Pap. Tulane Univ. Mus. Nat. Hist. 4:1-46.

Thompson, B.A. and R.D. Suttkus. 1998. A review of north Atlantic species of Bembrops, with descriptions of three new species, and additional comments on two eastern Atlantic species (Pisces: Percophidae). Proceedings Biological Society of Washington 111(4): 954-985.

Suttkus, R.D. and C. Jones. 1999. Observations on the nine-banded armadillo, Dasypus novemcinctus, in southern Louisiana. Tulane Studies in Zoology and Botany 31(1): 1-22.

Suttkus, R.D. , D.A. White and M.F. Mette, Jr. 1999. Atlas of the fishes of the St. Louis Bay drainage in southern Mississippi. Gulf Research Reports Supplement 1 92pp.

Suttkus, R.D. and H.L. Bart, Jr. 2000. A preliminary analysis of the river carpsucker,Carpiodes carpio, in the southern portion of its range. In: L. Lozano (ed.) The professional career of Salvador Contreras-Balderas, Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon (in press).